The tree
Illuminating is key when you want to establish a Christmas feel. The heart of this décor is the Christmas tree. Even decorating it should take place in a festive set. Decorate it with your children while listening to joyful Christmas music. It is the best time to play your favorite Christmas songs and sing out loud! In addition to the classic accessories – ornaments and garlands – the Nativity scene and the star are essential. You could also ask your children to add their personal touch by creating an ornament, a garland or a star. Instead of signing their creation, they could also put their cutest picture on it…
Inspiring tradition
For the past 10 years, I have been choosing a new decoration with the children every year in December. My children really choose the ornament they prefer as long as it costs less than $10. We already have 18 ornaments, each with the name of the buyer and year of purchase and we are happy to rediscover them every year. I promised my children that they could take theirs in their own house when they are adults to continue this tradition on their own.
Sonia, mother of two teens
Ironically, Christmas is the celebration of light, during that time of year when we need it the most, so we have to compensate. Put up candles in the living room, in the dining room and (why not!) in the bathroom. You can also disseminate your fixtures light if you don’t like candles. Even better, you can mix natural and artificial lighting. You could, for example, install a few candles near electric lights in the hall or in the living room.
Place large candles on a Christmas wreath on a table or arrange candles in a circle to surround another Christmas ornament.
But don't forget to blow out all the candles before bed!

The whole house
Even if the living room is at the heart of the Christmas celebrations, we suggest decorating the other rooms as well. A candle here, a garland there and the whole house will be filled with wonderful Christmas cheer!
- Make sure that your children feel the atmosphere even in their rooms. Help them create pieces to personalize their décor.
- You could hang Christmas stockings everywhere, even in the bathroom. You never know, it could give Santa ideas.
- You can also add to your usual decoration. Add a piece of garland to your family pictures, ornaments in the bookcase…
- To reach your child’s heart, nothing beats beautiful and delicious sweets. Candy canes for the tree, red licorice ribbons and chocolate pieces in decorated bowls.
- Don’t forget to decorate outside with lights, a Christmas wreath on the front door and maybe a second tree.
Festive and upbeat music, even if slightly commercial, is appropriate in the pre-Christmas period: when you are decorating the house and preparing meals.
During Christmas Eve dinner, classical and instrumental music is most appropriate but to give an energy boost to your guests, you can listen to rhythmic and folk music later on.

Table and kitchen
Get in a Christmas mood to prepare the feast and even a few days before. Light a few candles while you cook!
- Don’t forget the fragrances associated with the Christmas season. Place gingerbread and holly branches on the table, it will make it impossible to forget the big day that’s coming!
- Cinnamon, ginger, cloves and the smell of the tree remind us of Christmas. The smell of pine can even be canned if you want to smell it in the other rooms.
- Keep cinnamon sticks nearby to place it in your guests’ hot cups.
- Fill your fruit bowl with clementines, this little citrus smells and tastes Christmassy!