Bébé grandit!

8e semaine

Vous vous dites que bébé pleure souvent? Comme c'est son seul moyen de communiquer ses besoins, il est important de déchiffrer ses pleurs! Voici quelques pistes pour vous aider.

Why do babies cry?

Why do babies cry?

For parents of newborns, the increased and often inconsolable crying of their infants during the first few months of life can be a frustrating and stressful experience.

Understanding your crying baby

Understanding your crying baby

When your baby is screaming their lungs out, you don’t always know what to do. Is it pain, fatigue, discomfort, colics? Here are few tips to help you understand.

Pacifier, yes or no?

Pacifier, yes or no?

The need to suckle is instinctive! Even in the mother’s belly, the baby will bring their hand or fingers to their mouth. Once born, the baby will look for that same familiar comfort, either in a pacifier or their trusty thumb!