Bébé grandit!

14e semaine

Comme nouveaux parents, nous ne savons pas toujours comment agir quand notre petit est malade. Ce sont des situations stressantes au cours desquelles on cherche des conseils. Nous vous en proposons plusieurs!



Fever in itself is not a disease. It is a symptom resulting from a disease, most often from an infection such as the flu or another childhood disease.

Emergencies and First Aid

Emergencies and First Aid

Avoiding all types of emergencies may be a challenge but you can try to prevent them. Here are some preventive measures and tips to help you face an emergency.

When should you go to the emergency room?

When should you go to the emergency room?

Big scratches? Little accident? Fever? Suspicious spots? Sure, your child is not well but should you go to the emergency room? Motherforlife helps you decide whether or not you should go.