Bébé grandit!

52e semaine

Votre bébé a maintenant un an! Ses changements physiques et psychologiques n'ont pas fini de vous surprendre! Il a tant à explorer et à découvrir! Bonne fête à votre bébé!

Eating with fingers, a spoon, a fork and a knife

Eating with fingers, a spoon, a fork and a knife

They start off by eating everything with their little hands. But eventually, they will be able to manipulate utensils like a big kid! Here are some pointers on the proper timing to start introducing forks and spoons.

12 finger foods

12 finger foods

Because it is an important step in your child’s development, here are some finger foods. Get a washcloth and welcome dexterity and autonomy!  

Fun and practical feeding sets for kids

Fun and practical feeding sets for kids

Your child is ready to eat solids and you’re looking for feeding sets suitable for his little hands? Here are some ideas of cute and practical feeding kits to help him eat!