Bébé grandit!

39e semaine

Les dodos ne sont pas toujours évidents : parfois il dort bien, d'autres nuits c'est vraiment plus difficile. Voici comment aider votre bébé à dormir.

5 tips for sleepy children

5 tips for sleepy children

My children sleep like a log. Maybe I’m lucky, maybe not… You'll never know until you try these simple tips.

Sleeping with your children

Sleeping with your children

When they’re babies, co-sleeping facilitates breastfeeding and relationship building. But what happens when your 2, 4 or even 8-year-old child still sleeps with you? A psychologist explains below.

The confidence of new parents

The confidence of new parents

Despite all the joy, happiness and exaltation related to their first baby, new parents will have to adapt very fast to many changes.