Pregnancy tracker

What you are experiencing - 5th mois

Baby is developing rapidly and your body is changing just as fast. All these changes (weight gain, pressure on internal organs, etc.) make you feel heavier. Doing the smallest tasks causes you to be out of breath. Little digestive problems can worsen, so take the opportunity to eat healthier and less fatty foods.  Eating vegetables and fruits that are rich in digestive enzymes will stimulate your metabolism. Don’t forget that your body and your heart are working and pumping for two! Your blood flow being more active, the blood volume increases blood pressure, which is slightly lower than normal, and your heart rate is higher. Circulation problems are not uncommon. Heavy legs, tingling, varicose veins or occasional bleeding gums may also appear. All your blood used to feed the placenta is divided between the membrane and the blood of your baby. Oxygen and carbon dioxide smoothly make their way to the fetal blood and are transferred to the baby’s heart through the umbilical cord. Towards the end of this month, your uterus is the size of a cantaloupe.