Pregnancy tracker

Baby's development - 5th month

Baby becomes independent and breathes by sucking in amniotic fluid in his lungs and then exhaling it. His heart beats are more powerful and can be heard with a stethoscope. Baby’s moving a lot, trying new movements and turning around constantly. Around the 20th week, baby is almost half of his birth size.

Genitals are well defined. If it’s a girl, the vulva, vagina and other organs are already in place, and if it’s a boy, the penis is fully formed. Baby's head is also covered with tiny hair. A white, greasy protective coating called vernix caseosa has just begun to form on baby's skin. It slowly thickens, but its fat reserves are still very small. Baby looks a little wrinklled, as if he had too much skin to cover his body.

At the end of this month

Baby measures about 26 cm
Baby weighs about 550g