Pregnancy tracker

What you are experiencing - 4th mois

You will now fully realize the miracle that’s happening within you ! The first feelings and butterflies will seem difficult to describe. Some mothers describe it as a gurgling in the abdomen, and others as a deep and intense pang. Once you've experienced it, you'll quickly see the difference between your baby’s  movements and your intestines’normal rumblings.

The fourth month is when you get the great revelation! His early feats will amaze you and you’ll realize how very alive he is and how much his imminent arrival is now a reality.

By expanding, your uterus can cause tightness in the groin and even more severe pain in the pelvic region. Even if your belly is staring to round up, it’s important to understand that the changes in your body’s weight distribution require some adaptation. The pain may arise suddenly and leave as quickly as it appeared. Ontop of this, all the organs that are expanding are creating more and more pressure on your bladder and nighttime visits to the toilet can become annoying. And don’t believe that reducing your fluid intake could help things... It is important to keep drinking plenty of water to hydrate the skin and maintain bowel regularity, because it is possible for your digestion to be slowed by the lack of space caused by the other surrounding organs’ increased volume. Some mothers also experience gastric reflux (burning sensation in the center of the chest). They are triggered by the increased pressure of the stomach and abdomen, both responsible for the growth of the uterus.