
Common Worries during Pregnancy

The first trimester

During the first trimester, future moms go through a range of conflicting emotions. With the joy of bringing life into the world comes feelings of fear that we are going to lose it all. It's quite normal because, during the first trimester, the pregnancy and the baby feel quite intangible since all we can feel are the unpleasant symptoms that usually accompany the first few weeks.


Common Ailments


  • Blood tests: The purpose blood tests is to check if you are immune to certain diseases that can be dangerous to you or your baby like the fifth disease, rubella, and STIs.
  • Dating ultrasound: Usually performed when the mother isn't sure when she conceived.
  • Nuchal translucency ultrasound: Preventive ultrasound done to detect the possibility of genetic abnormalities.
  • Prenatal screening for trisomy 21: To detect the risks of trisomy 21 (down syndrome).
The second trimester

During the second trimester, your pregnancy becomes more real to you, because you can finally start noticing the physical changes that are happening to you. The second trimester is also usually less difficult in terms of physical ailments than the first, which helps the mom feel more comfortable but also gives her time to start planning for the future. Enjoy these beautiful moments with your partner; the memories will help you regain perspective if you're not feeling well later on.


Common Ailments


  • Amniocentesis: By removing a small amount of amniotic fluid, it's possible to detect certain abnormalities in the genetic code of the unborn child.
  • Ultrasound: This ultrasound is used to determine the position of the baby, whether he or she is developing properly and to discover the sex of the baby!
  • Test for gestational diabetes: Detect and manage gestational diabetes if necessary.
The third trimester

During the third trimester, women often start feeling impatient for the arrival of the baby they have spent months imagining and cherishing inside their belly. However, as time passes, the big day is approaching faster than you think! You should be ready to anticipate the unknown, despite all the plans you've made! Childbirth is a natural event that can't be controlled. It's also during the third trimester that future moms start wondering whether they will be good mothers and start to worry about all the changes that will come with the arrival of their baby.


Common Ailments

  • False contractions (Braxton-Hicks)
  • Insomnia
  • Back pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gastric reflux and heartburn
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Heavy legs


  • Group B streptococcus: A culture of the vagina and rectum is examined to determine if the pregnant woman carries the group B streptococcus bacterium that is harmful to the baby during the birth. If the result is positive, intravenous antibiotics are administered during the birth.
  • Urine test: To verify the presence of protein in the urine, a precursor for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. This test can also be done in the second trimester depending on the doctor.

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