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5/10/15 min method

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Joined :
04 Jan 2019

Posted: January 4, 2019 at 3:09:09 AM EST  
My name is Peter and I am a father of 10 months old baby girl. We always had a problem with getting overnight sleep for our baby, since first day. Last night, she woke up at least 15 times. She sleep for 30 min, and then wake up. She is having a breastfeed since she was born. She get brestfeed during night still. Usually, she goes to bed at 2100hrs. She take her brestmilk and she fall asleep during brestfeed in mother's arms. After that, when we put her into her crib. She wake up after 2 hrs usually, and we take her into arms and start to sing to her and shake her till fell aspeep again. And like this all night til morning. Last night was terrible. Please, we are desperate, can you tell us, in this case is it applicable 5/10/15 minuts method for overnight sleep. Sorry for my English, I am not native speaker!
Thak you a lott, and we hope and pray for your quick answer on this matter. 

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