Baby & Youth forum | Topics | Messages | Last posts Activités |
PrematureFor births occurring between the 20th and the 37th week of pregnancy. |
Colic & Sleeping HabitsHow to adapt to baby’s sleeping schedule and difficult colics? |
Stimulation, Reading & Games For KidsQuestions and answers about kids games, stimulating activities and entertainment, and everything about your baby’s cognitive development. |
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1 Topics
more than 74 month Reading to Babies |
TwinsAll you need to know to prepare for the arrival of twins. |
YouthDiscuss toilet training, discipline, self-esteem or any other subject pertaining to your child that is not yet a “big kid” but not quite a baby anymore. |
DaycareDiscuss your fears, hope, and requirements and get all the answers to your questions about daycare! |
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1 Topics
more than 81 month Thoughts on Montessori school!!! |
Daycare Supply & DemandDo you have a place or are looking for one in a daycare? Announce it here. |
School ChildrenTo discuss anything related to the big adventure that is school! |
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6 Topics
more than 58 month My son is scared... |
TeenagersTalk about the challenges of parenting a teenager. |
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7 Topics
more than 92 month Need advice on addiction... |
Baby EvolutionHow is your baby developing? |
Groups Of MomsJoin a group of women with children that are the same age as yours. Plan a play-date! |