Pregnancy tracker

Baby's development - 8th month

Only two months left until you see your baby’s pretty little face ! During this 8th month, baby will put on a lot of weight... just be careful that it’s not contagious on your side! Baby’s still moving, but a bit less. He’s even starting to position himself toward the exit, meaning head down. If your doctor tells you that baby still hasn’t turned around, don’t worry! He can do it at any time until the day before he’s born.

Your baby’s skin is thickening, and the first layers of fat are appearing under it. His limbs are lengthening, his lungs are developing and his bones are strengthening. On your side, make sure your diet is rich in calcium.

Baby will drink more liquid to support his digestive system’s development. About to reach maturity, each organ is functional. So, should baby be premature, he would likely survive and have a specific medical monitoring.

His nervous system is fully developed and his immune system is still getting antibodies from you. So boost your immune systems, ladies, and you’ll help build your baby's!

At the end of this month

Baby measures about 46 cm
Baby weighs about 2.5 kg (5.5 lb)