
Fashion tips to survive a wedding during pregnancy

In the past, being pregnant at your wedding was shocking. Today, instead of being scandalous, it is cool and stylish! No need to hide these curves or your fabulous breasts! Here are some tips to help you feel comfortable and gorgeous during this special day. 

The wedding dress

The real challenge is to find the perfect dress to fit your future belly a few months in advance.

  • The perfect dress should be made out of fabrics that breathe.
  • Avoid itchy laces sections and don’t even think of picking a size smaller in order to look thinner for your wedding. Aim for simplicity and comfort. 
  • Not recommended: frills, adjusted waists, ruffles and any other details that would overload the dress. 
  • The unquestionably best choice is the empire dress, a high-waist dress; gathered under the bust with a long, loose skirt. This A-shaped dress will not only save you the last-minute touch-ups, it will also save you a lot of stress. Plus, this romantic and sexy outline is very trendy at the moment. 
  • Another optimizing detail is a ribbon that ties up the dress at the back. It will give your belly a lot of space and, again, it will save a lot of touch-ups. 
  • If you choose tailoring, ask your tailor to consider stretchy side-panels to flatter your curves and your waist and make you feel more comfortable on your big day. 
  • If you are comfortable with bare shoulders and want a stunning look, choose a strapless or a halter dress.

White wedding? While pregnant? Why not! Forget your grandmother’s stories and go for it! Nowadays, the bride can choose white, cream or the color of her choice. Obviously, you should keep away from very dark, austere and dramatic colors.

Accessories and color

With a simple dress, you can accessorize more: a hat, gloves, fabulous earrings, a necklace, a bracelet… Consult you hair designer before the wedding to plan your hairstyle and hire a makeup artist. These little details with give a glamorous finishing touch to your outfit.

Bridal lingerie is also primordial, whether you are pregnant or not. A good bra will give you real support and do justice to your dress. The same rule applies to your panties and stockings. 

Your feet are hurting?

Since you will be standing for most of the day and most of the evening, your shoes should be comfortable on top of being fantastic. I suggest choosing mid-high and large heels for your safety and comfort. Your feet will most probably swell during pregnancy so try to shop your shoes at the last minute and, if your budget allows, buy two pairs: one for the ceremony and pictures and one for the evening and the party!

Being pregnant is one of the greatest joys of your life and getting married at the same time should truly be a fairy tale. … And they married, had many children and lived happily ever after!

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