
Bottle warmers

Autonomous bottle warmer

The autonomous bottle warmer by Babymoov is a practical and economical solution to heat your bottles and your baby food jars when you don’t have access to a power source. You just have to twist the cap, insert the bottle or food jar inside and wait 12 minutes for it to get to the perfect temperature.

Born Free Tru Temp bottle warmer system

The Born Free Tru Temp bottle warmer system allows you to warm your bottles of milk easily and quickly. The system also comes included with a removable, insulated cooling device that allows you to store two bottles for up to 8 hours, which is really convenient for night feedings!


The Bib’Expresso by Béaba offers a multitude of really interesting advantages including the ability to prepare your bottles in less than 30 seconds with only one hand and the milk will always be at the perfect temperature. It even sterilizes your bottles and allows you to store them until the next feeding.

Travel bottle warmer

The travel bottle warmer by Munchkin is perfectly designed for long car trips. The bottle warmer includes a practical and easy to use car adapted and the buttons turn on at night so you can see what you are doing.

Express bottle warmer

The Express bottle warmer by Avent warms your bottles gently and evenly in four minutes and it is compatible with all bottles, cups and baby food jars made by Avent.

High-speed bottle warmer

The high speed bottle warmer by Munchkin offers a compact and affordable option to warm your bottles and food jars quickly and evenly. The system will sterilize your accessories when you are done.

Orb bottle warmer

We love the modern look of this orb bottle warmer which offers a compartment to warm your bottles and a basket for food jars. Available at Cadeaux Kelly Green.

Baby Brezza kettle

The Baby Brezza kettle heats the water to the perfect temperature for your bottles and keeps it at the right temperature all day to reduce the time your baby has to wait when he is hungry!

Dr. Brown’s deluxe bottle warmer

The deluxe bottle warmer by Dr. Brown’s accepts all Dr. Brown’s baby bottles and most other brands as well. It offers a light and an alarm to warn you when the milk is ready in addition to allowing you to set your favorite cycles.

SmartWarmer bottle warmer

The SmartWarmer bottle warmer warms your milk quickly and safely and even thaws breast milk. If you often use the same cycle, you’ll love its ability to remember your favorite cycles simply by pressing a button.

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