
Fun and practical feeding sets for kids

Philips Avent cup

The Philips Avent cup allows your child to drink directly from the edge of the cup with a leak proof valve which releases the liquid when your child presses his lips against it allowing him to drink without a straw or spout.

$ 8,49

Munchkin Snack Catcher

Thanks to its soft cover specifically designed for small hands, your child can carry his own snacks wherever he goes without any dangers of spilling anything! Available in several colors.

$ 10,99

3D feeding set

Your kids will love these original three-dimensional feeding sets that when taken apart become dishes, utensils and a cup.

Atablo 5 piece dining-set

The Atablo dining-set contains a tray with a non-slip surface, utensils, a cup and a removable tray. Practical and with a modern design, it’s perfect to get your child to eat alone for the first time. Available in several colors.

$ 24,99

Dream Baby Stay Put dining kit

An inspired invention that allows you to secure the plate and utensils to the table with a suction cup attached to the plate, spoon and fork. No more utensils flying everywhere while you eat!

$ 44,99

Anti-spill bowl

This revolutionary anti-tumble pattern of this bowl allows it to turn on one side or the other and even upside down and still keep the food in place rather than hidden around your house!

$ 10

Heated plate

This plate is equipped with a hot water reservoir beneath the food to help keep your child’s food warm while he eats at his own pace.

$ 15,49

Explora heat sensitive spoons

These spoons are well suited to help your child learn to eat but what makes them even more convenient is the soft tip that goes from red to yellow when the food is too hot, avoiding bad burns!

$ 4,99

Finger sporks

These fun little finger forks were created to make mealtime fun and a little silly! Here’s a great way to encourage them to eat the veggies they tend to put aside for never!

$ 4,50

Finger sporks

These fun little finger forks were created to make mealtime fun and a little silly! Here’s a great way to encourage them to eat the veggies they tend to put aside for never!

$ 4,50

This week
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