
Must-haves for ice-skating

Bobskate first skates

Skates for beginners that easily fasten to your child’s boots and which are equipped with double blades to help them learn to skate while keeping their balance.

Early skater learning aid

This learning aid helps your child improve his balance and skating technique so he can skate safely and confidently. Recommended for children 2 years and older.

$39,99, at Canadian Tire

Elbow and kneepads

Despite all the precautions you can take, your little one will probably have several falls under his belt after a day of skating. To avoid injury, make sure he wears comfortable elbow and kneepads.

Sport helmet

A quality helmet that will adequately protect your child’s head is also a must! This helmet is designed for kids 2 to 5, is made of shockproof polypropylene and is lightweight and adjustable.

$39,99, at Canadian Tire

Helmet cover

Many children are reluctant to wear their helmet. Don’t despair: with the Tail Wags helmet covers, your kids won’t want to take their helmet off anymore! Several models available for boys and girls.

Between $24,95 and $45 depending on model chosen, at Tail Wags

Set of 30 pucks

Hockey pucks are the perfect accessories to teach your child to practice his balance. Place a few pucks on the ice and encourage your child to bend over and pick them up. Stay close to him and let him develop his muscles!

$14,95, at Sports-Inter

Adjustable skates

When you think your child is ready for the traditional one-blade skates, we suggest you invest in a pair of adjustable skates as they will be able to keep them longer and be comfortable when they skate.

Split guards

Split guards are designed specifically to help you move between the locker room and the ice without damaging your blades. It’s recommended you have one for each pair of skates you own.

$6.99, at Canadian Tire

Blade Buddies Blade covers

These fun covers protect your blade when your skates are stores so they can stay in pristine condition. Your kids will love the different super cute animals they have available.

Between $18 and $19 depending on the model, at Patinage plus

Mini hockey goal set

If you have a little hockey fan at home, this mini hockey goal set is ideal to introduce him to his favorite sport! It includes two mini goals, two mini sticks and one mini foam ball.

$36,95, at Sports Inter

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