
12 practical accessories for a camping trip

Platypus Wine Preservation System

So you can end a busy day full of activities on a good note once the kids are asleep in the tent, the Platypus wine preservation system keeps your wine fresh and tasty and it is super lightweight. You simply fill it with wine, expel the air and your wine will be protected from contact with light and oxygen to offer you the very best flavor over the next few days.

$ 8,00 at Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC).

This week
Ear infections, antibiotics, and prevention

Becoming a parent also means being acquainted with several small infections encountered during our own childhood. Ear infections are numerous and can leave you having lots of questions. We try to respond to the most frequent ones.

My child is often absentminded!

Do you find yourself often repeating phrases like "Hello? Is anyone there?" ? If so, it seems that your child is often absentminded. Here's how to help your distracted children stay concentrated.

A teenager’s bedroom

Your teenager's bedroom is a disaster. You even invented new words to describe this horrendous place where food and clothes seem to blend into a new kind of carpet but your child doesn't seem to mind. What can you do?

My child is smelly!

Your child is now 6 years old. The innocence of childhood still shines brightly in his or her eyes but… they're smelly! When your child gets hot, you scrunch your nose and smell a tinge of sweat. Are they too young for deodorant?