
Back to school! 10 ideas to celebrate

1. Throw a party

Dance, swing and sing your stress away! When you move and have fun, your tensions go away, you sleep better and everyone wakes up in a good mood!

2. Cook a special meal

Welcome your child in a super family atmosphere and make him feel like he is not alone in his new adventure. Cook his favourite meal and his favourite dessert and invite grandma and grandpa to join in.

3. To the restaurant!

Your child decides where you go!

4. The way he likes it!

Prepare the most special day. Book a Saturday to give him the best part of the day. Ask him, in advance, to write his preferences on a paper and explain that among all the possibilities, you will choose one or a few but it will be a surprise.

5. Inspiring movie

For the last home cinema night of the holidays, choose a movie that talks about school: Dead poets society, Matilda, The cat returns, etc.

6. Spa day

If you can, go to the spa with the family. The entire family could receive a massage and off you go! Going back to school is now easy! You can also create a spa at home. You wash your feet, moisturize them and you find someone to massage them. You can also find good massage oil, sweet almond oil for example, and give the kids a simple and soft massage before bedtime.

7. Say “we”

Go ahead! The whole family plays Wii, even grandma and grandpa, we play a lot of games… we play even longer than the usual time allowed for videogames.

8. The die is cast!

A family evening of board games with juices, chips, popcorn and most importantly… a late evening!

9. Straight ahead!

Build a fun school year plan together; it can be for short or long term. Insert steps, rewards (for example, every month, he will be entitled to a special activity, like going to the cinema or the restaurant), insert holidays and festivals (like Halloween, Christmas, etc.) and expected activities (short family trips, Thanksgiving’s long weekend,etc.). The goal is to show him that this year will be exciting and fun instead of endless and boring.

10. Sunday night ritual

Find a ritual to share with the whole family every Sunday to avoid the pre-Monday depression. You can play a board game every Sunday after dinner, practice a sport together or rent a comedy. You can also create a list of activities and draw one every Sunday. Plan something special for the first Sunday of the year of course!

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