
Baby accessories and security

In 2012, the Bumbo seat made headlines with a massive recall following dozens of injuries in babies, including skull fractures. Health Canada indicated that babies could get hurt if the seat was placed on an elevated surface. Consumers were asked not to use the seat and to contact Bumbo to receive a free kit including a seatbelt and instructions on the safe use of the seat.

How can I develop my baby’s motor skills?

The steps of development are similar for all children. The environment in which a child grows could influence the age at which abilities appear but will not change their order of appearance.

A child learns more, stimulates his curiosity and spontaneity of movement when he is lying on a mat and free to move. Change his position often but favour his tummy and back. Place you child on various textures (carpet, blankets, etc.) to stimulate his senses.

Are accessories useful for development?

Automatic swings, exercise centers, the Bumbo chair and vibrating chairs are very appealing for children but do not promote motor skills learning. It is also important to use them properly in order to prevent accidents. An adult supervision is always required. Also, these objects must be placed on the floor, not on elevated surfaces.

These accessories can help develop muscle tone in some regions of the body but must be used for short periods of time during the day. Your baby must spend most of his time lying on the floor on his back, sides and tummy to optimize his motor skills development.

Enjoy your time with your child… Play with him… Get him moving… These are precious moments for him as for you…

For more information, do not hesitate to contact me.

This week
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