Pregnancy tracker

Baby's development - 2th month

Your baby’s heart is starting to beat and is developing more and more every day by slowly building its four chambers. His head and legs are starting to define and deploy themselves while gently detaching from the rest of his body. His head and spine can be seen more and more and other limbs stand out more. Baby is taking his human form. Her eyelids, ears, hands and feet appear. His facial features are slowly emerging slowly, although it is disproportionate to the rest of his head. His mouth is quite big and the rest of his face is still very flat, which is why his large eyes appear distant from one another. Don’t worry, it won’t stay like this for too long! Around the end of the 7th week, the eyes will come closer together and eyelids will emerge to protect them. It’s also at the end of this month that the baby will start to wiggle and make his first movements. Visible on the ultrasound, they are still imperceptible to you. If the embryo is doing small jumps like those of a tadpole, his heart is already beating at a rate of 180 pulses per minute and is about 2.5 cm in size.

At the end of this month, the embryo already has most of its organs. Well established within the placenta, the umbilical cord is already formed to begin its feeding job.

At the end of this month...

Baby measures about 3 cm
Baby weighs about 1 g