

Treatments (snoring and apnea)

Obviously, it is not necessary to stop the snoring if it is not a sign that your child is suffering from apnea and if it does not disrupt the sleep of other family members.

For snorers – adults and children – whose respiratory issues represent a health risk, there are many possible treatments but they are not covered by health insurance.

  • The anti-snoring dental prosthesis: it is a device that keeps the inner jaw and tongue forward. The prosthesis looks like a mouth guard for boxers and increases the diameter of the airway to ease the passage of air.
  • External nasal dilators: It is a little device that widens the nostrils and improves the air inlet. It does not treat sleep apnea but it treats 20% of all cases of snoring.
  • Somnoplasty: The doctor inserts a small electrode inside the soft palate to eliminate some of the tissues. This operation eventually strengthens the palate, decreases the vibrating tissues and reduces snoring.
  • Tonsillectomy: When swollen tonsils cause snoring, they can be removed.
  • Wearing a respirator to sleep: it is connected to a small machine that continuously pushes air in the nose and throat. Doctors believe that this is the most effective treatment.
Image de Josée Descôteaux

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