
15 tips to prevent the flu

Don’t touch this!

To avoid spreading the virus, try not to share the objects that can touch your mouth (cup, water bottle, utensils, lip gloss, etc.)

Enough with the cough

Aim your cough into the crook of your elbow or shoulder, and away from your hands. The germs coming out of your mouth won’t make it onto your hands, which interact with the world by touching.

Wash your hands often and wisely

Hand washing is critical to prevent the transmission of the flu. Washing your hands often can destroy viruses that you have acquired from touching surfaces used by other people. You can also carry a small tube of hand sanitizer or sanitizing hand wipes when visiting public places. However, the Canadian Medical Association issued a call for a ban on household antibacterial products due to potential for increased bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents and essential antibiotics.

In the end, nothing will beat the good old hand washing to prevent transmitting the virus.

When to wash our hands?

  • Before and after preparing food
  • Before and after eating food
  • After using the toilet
  • After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
  • Before and after tending to someone who is sick
  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • After handling an animal or animal waste
  • After handling garbage
  • Before and after treating a cut or wound
  • After being outside or in a public place
Food for health

Vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables are great allies to fight the virus but it is your general diet that will determine your body’s health.

Boost your immune system

Having a strong immune system is essential to avoid or fight the flu virus. Your body’s natural defenses depend on many variables, and some natural products and herbal teas can help make up for your shortcomings. There is obviously no miracle solution, but a healthy lifestyle without too many excesses with make for a stronger body when the flu knocks at your door.

Vitamin D

Thierry Souccar, biochemist and author of Prévenir et guérir la grippe, believes that vitamin D deficiency weakens the immune system and recommends taking large concentrations of this vitamin. He admitted in a 2009 interview with La Presse that it would be presumptuous to say that it’s a way to prevent the flu entirely, but it is nonetheless a serious option to consider.

Say yes to zinc!

This trace element is known to stimulate the production of white blood cells and reduce the reproductive capacity of nasty viruses. An ally of choice!

Drink lots of water

Being well hydrated allows you to eliminate toxins, regulate body temperature and ensure the good transport of nutrients. When you drink enough water, you are less tired, less stressed and sleep better.


Being involved in sports or any other moderate physical activity on a daily basis will help boost your immune system. Being active also keeps you more alert, tones your body and helps you relax. After doing a physical activity, you will be less tired and sleep better. So why not do it?

Don’t smoke

Researchers affiliated with McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, believe that smoking makes the immune system weaker against a bacterium that makes diseases most malignant.

Get enough sleep

A good night’s sleep is the best way to recharge your batteries and get more energy, and makes us less vulnerable to diseases. Researchers from Université Laval in Quebec have proven that insomnia weakens our immune system. Take a nap once in a while and make a habit of going to bed early.

Reduce your alcohol consumption

Alcohol reduces the efficiency of white cells, which are responsible for fighting infections and viruses, thus making you more vulnerable to diseases. Alcohol also often brings on dehydration, which weakens your body’s resistance.

Manage your stress better

Stress and intense emotions disrupt your immune system’s cells by preventing them from to locating and identifying pathogenic bacteria. Stress thus depletes your good reserves. Find ways to relax every day is to ensure a good mental and physical health.

Take care of your intestinal flora

Having a healthy intestinal flora will contribute to a strong immune system. Antibiotics annihilate your intestinal flora because the medication destroys all bacteria, even the good one. To maintain a healthy intestinal flora, eat a lot of yoghurt and choose drinks or supplements ( such as DanActive and Bio-K) that contain probiotics.

Family follow-up

Always note when a member of the family suffers from little illnesses, a fever, a cold or the flu. It will allow you do a tighter monitoring if needed. Keep a family health record and write down what medication has been taken by whom. You will have all the information at hand when you visit the doctor. It’s surprising how easily we can forget the details that could end up being very important.

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