
7 Crafts for Mother's Day

A necklace to share
  • With Fimo paste, make a big heart. In its centre, cut out a smaller heart.
  • Drill a hole in each piece.
  • Use the Fimo paste according to the instructions.
  • Finally, put a rope in the little hole of each heart, so as to get 2 pendants.
  • The child can keep one heart and give the other to mom.

It's so cute!

Love on a platter!

Using porcelain felt markers, have your child make the most beautiful drawings on the bottom of a white plate (or cup). For best results, follow the recommended directions on the markers used.

A little thought that will certainly brighten up some meals.

A frame, a flower and a cupcake holder

It's easy to do, but the result is really cute.

  • You will need a frame, a cardboard box, pencils, a paper cupcake holder and a picture of the child.
  • On the cardboard, draw the stem of a flower.
  • As petals, stick the muffin tin.
  • In the center of the mold, fix the picture of the child (cut beforehand in the correct format).

And... voila.

A homemade sugar scrub

Moms have little time to relax and take care of themselves. To help them pamper themselves a little, here is a great sugar scrub recipe that kids will have a lot of fun making.

In a blender, mix a cucumber with 2 fresh mint leaves.
Filter the excess water.
Add the puree to 2 cups caster sugar and 2 tablespoons sweet almond oil.
Mix well and put the preparation in an airtight pot.
Keep cool.
* Recipe from

To brighten up mom's office

Often piles of paper pile up on the corner of the desk. To make it less frightening and to brighten mom's day, give her some blooming paperclips.

  • Cut out small flowers in different colored foliage.
  • Take the flowers and place them with hot glue at the end of the paperclips.
  • Make as many as you like and offer them in a pretty box decorated by hand.
Decorative shells

During your last vacation, you have collected dozens of shells, and haven't had any idea what to do with them? Decorate them with permanent markers and put them in a pretty vase. It is a very nice gift and mom will be delighted.

A super original card

Take the old wax crayons from your children's collection and place them with hot glue on cardboard. With a hairdryer, melt the pencils. Always using hot glue, attach paper flowers to the card. You will offer the most original card to mom.

Do not forget to write a sweet thought inside ...!

This week
Ear infections, antibiotics, and prevention

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My child is smelly!

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