
Advent calendars for grownups!

24 days of David’s Tea

Those who love tea will immediately fall under the spell of this wonderful Advent calendar by David’s Tea, which offers 24 tea flavors for the first 24 days of December.

24 days of tea, available in stores, $ 29,99

Sephora Nail Polish

Who says we have to nibble on chocolate during the month of December? Here are 24 nail polish colors that will allow you to change your nails every day! A very fashionable way to wait until Christmas!

CAVIAR mini mani month, $ 64


This advent calendar contains 25 Starbucks treats including 20 fine chocolates and other surprises. So we can accompany our kids window by window…

Starbucks Advent calendar, $ 29,95


The Lindt Chocolate Masters have developed an advent calendar filled with all their best Christmas treats: mini Lindt balls, the Lindt Santa, Lindt snowman, Lindor truffles and Lindt mini-milk balls. Available in pharmacies.


Alcohol lovers will rejoice in these fine Advent calendars. A wonderful way to end the day while you wait for the festivities!

The NFB Advent calendar

For movie lovers, the Advent calendar application offered by the NFB is perfect for you! Every day in December, you will receive a new surprise film from a selection of Oscar winning films, new movies or classics! $ 0,99

Christmas tree stickers

Decoration evolving until Christmas day, this is a wonderful idea to prepare for the big day! This calendar begins with the numbers, which you cover up daily with ornament stickers.

Advent Calendar, Etsy, $ 30

My Advent Museum

Decorate your little museum by unveiling each day a new piece of art. For the art lover in you…

Advent Calendar, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, $ 19,95

Digital Advent calendar

A digital Advent calendar that makes your discover a new free application every day. Games, music, giveaways and more will help you stay entertained until Christmas! Free.

This week
Ear infections, antibiotics, and prevention

Becoming a parent also means being acquainted with several small infections encountered during our own childhood. Ear infections are numerous and can leave you having lots of questions. We try to respond to the most frequent ones.

My child is often absentminded!

Do you find yourself often repeating phrases like "Hello? Is anyone there?" ? If so, it seems that your child is often absentminded. Here's how to help your distracted children stay concentrated.

A teenager’s bedroom

Your teenager's bedroom is a disaster. You even invented new words to describe this horrendous place where food and clothes seem to blend into a new kind of carpet but your child doesn't seem to mind. What can you do?

My child is smelly!

Your child is now 6 years old. The innocence of childhood still shines brightly in his or her eyes but… they're smelly! When your child gets hot, you scrunch your nose and smell a tinge of sweat. Are they too young for deodorant?