
How to wear jewelry

Women are very attached to their jewelry because they are often associated with major life events. However, knowing how to wear it is not a skill everyone possesses!


The necklace, the long chain or pendant are interesting choices for those with a short neck, small chest, short torso or round face. They will add style to any sober blouse or tunic. For larger chests, it’s important that the length of the necklace is longer than the height of the breasts (about 4 inches).


Pearls, diamond points (real or fake) and small rings are the types of earrings that best fit all.

They are discreet and feminine at the same time. Wearing them with jeans or a cocktail dress is a classic! When hair is pulled back or very short, and for women with a round face, styles that hang down are very chic if they are not paired with a collar drawing too much attention. It would otherwise be a faux pas!

Embellished earrings should be worn for special occasions because they need to be paired with a more dramatic makeup to avoid weighing your face down.


A very personal piece of jewelry: the engagement or wedding one, or one that is passed on from generation to generation. The rule is to wear one by hand and preferably of the same color. Either white or yellow gold, with one exception: if the shades are found in the same ring and not 2 or 3 different bands.


The trend is in mesh styles or big statement pieces! Be careful to choose it in proportion to your arm’s bone structure. A big arm with a delicate watch will give the impression of a large wrist, and vice versa. Be original. It’s an accessory that you can easily wear on a daily basis, so do it with style. The classic watch with a thin black leather bracelet is so 2008!


Charm and small bracelets are very popular. We usually wear them in the summer or during the Holidays, when sleeveless clothes allow us to showcase our wrists.

Gold or silver?

Depending on your skin tone, gold or silver can be more attractive and advantageous.

If your skin has a golden yellow reflection or if your hair is red or golden blonde, gold will be to your advantage. On the other hand, if your skin has a bluish or gray hue, or if you have salt and pepper hair, silver will be your best choice.

In brief
  • Mix real and fake pieces
  • Wear multi row chain necklaces
  • Avoid wearing matchy-matchy accesories
  • Avoid mixing gold and silver
  • No fine jewelry for larger women
  • Wear one statement piece at a time

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