
The cutest baby bodysuits on the market


The smartest way to buy is through fair trade and fibrEthik, a Canadian company based in Montreal, made it its priority. In addition to international solidarity and comfort, fibrEthik offers you to print your own logo or text or to buy ready-made baby clothes designed by their team. Your child can proudly wear this fair and beautiful collection!


Made in Montreal and designed to please sweet and rebel moms, Squeegie baby clothes are spectacular. This YEAH! tee is a good example and the collection is available until your little rebel reaches his 6th birthday!


Whether you prefer Superman, Batman, Captain Kirk or Spock, Thinkgeek has the perfect bodysuit for your little hero. It’s never too early to learn about the classics!


Threadless is a website that promotes its users’ art. The most appreciated designs can be printed on men, women, children and baby tees. Because the collection is in constant evolution, you could find a discontinued item. If you do and are really sad about it, ask for a reprint!

My baby rocks

Did you give birth to a “little monster”? Here is a set of four of the cutest monsters ever. My Baby Rocks also offer punk looks, tutus and a cute little tuxedo for special occasions. The website is well worth a visit, you will find wonders!

Ooh La La Mama

If you don’t want funny onesies but if you like artsy and meaningful clothes, Ooh La Mama is for you. From kissing a frog to robots, their unique prints are beautiful and original.


This awkward moment when people ask your three months-old baby to tell them his name are a thing of the past. Coquelicot sells onesies that can be customized at home. Just apply the letters and iron them. That’s also a great gift for future parents!

Bebe Bottle Sling

Do you have twins or triplets? Then this copy and paste set is a must for you! If you only have one child, you can also make him the new Lord of the rings.

Baby Wit

If you like all sorts of music, Baby Wit is for you. From Sonic Youth to Lady Gaga and the Beatles, Baby Wit also prints culture icons like Bill Murray and Charles Buckowski.

Stardust Kids

Stardust Kids is British company but all their products are based on pop culture and we thought the video games and action films references were worth the extra shipping.

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