Family life

Being a stay-at-home mom

The daily life of a stay-at-home mom

Many mothers who are thinking of becoming a stay-at-home mom report being afraid of being bored after a while. But fear not, being a stay-at-home mom does not mean you have to stay cooped up inside all day! There are a variety of options to entertain the kids and to keep them active, such as parent-child classes, educational outings, family groups, story time, the park and more. Take the time to check what activities are available in your neighbourhood and choose some activities that interest you so you can maintain an active social network and challenging life.

Putting your career on hold

Another concern for women who want to become stay-at-home moms is that they will inevitably have to put their careers on hold and will have no guarantee of getting their job back or even getting a new one when they are ready to go back to work. Of course, it can be a little scary to have this big hole in your resume for a few years, but depending on your field of work, you may be able to receive additional training or make a gradual return that will allow you to be up to date with all the new challenges at work.

And think about it, being a stay-at-home mom is a unique experience that will enrich your personality and your skills in a lot of areas that will be beneficial for you at home and at work!

And you, are you thinking of becoming a stay-at-home mom? We want to hear from you in the comments!

Sources : Canal Vie – Prendre la décision d’être une mère au foyer, La Presse – Mère à la maison sans misère, Coup de pouce – Tannée de travailler? On rentre à la maison.

Image de Mariem Melainine

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