Family life

Maintaining open communication with growing children

There are great principles that supposedly help us maintain a good relationship with our children like asking open questions, questions to which they cannot answer yes or no. It’s good, noted, what else? For long periods of their lives, children need intimacy. It doesn’t mean they are hiding something but they choose what they want to tell us. For the communication to run smoothly and effectively, we must pay attention to our children and the signals they send us when they would like to have “a little chat”. And be careful, sometimes the signals won’t be very obvious; it can be just tiny little hints.

So it is best to get used early to decipher our child… it would be the key to good communication.

Here is a list of tips “approved” by the world’s leading children specialists: the mothers! We asked around, on the Facebook page and to mothers around us.

Write little notes. I found on a Quebec blog that the author (a mom) received one evening a letter from her daughter. She replied and that is how their correspondence began. Every evening, her daughter writes a message and she replies. Letters can be a wonderful way to talk about delicate subjects. 

A variation…
Writing emails. We can create an email address for our child or use Facebook to talk. We reply, we say hi, we have fun… live (almost!), that is a good way to keep the bond.

Be careful not to ask too many questions.  “I used to want to know everything my daughter had done in school as soon as she set foot in the house. I was asking a thousand questions. To me, it was just a way of being interested in her day-to-day life. To her, it was like a police questioning and intrusive. In fact, I realized that it’s not that she didn’t want to tell me about her day; it was just the wrong moment. She needed to settle a bit before going through her day again. Since then, I gave her about fifteen minutes to do what she wanted when she came back from school and then we slowly discussed! “ (Nadine)

Finding the words. “With my seven-year old daughter, it’s complicated. She keeps everything to herself until she “explodes”. Everything blows up! I explained that I can’t guess how she feels if she never tells me what’s wrong. It took her some time but now she knows that she can tell me when something’s wrong. We take the time to talk when there’s a problem.“ (Suzanne)

Pass the torch Sometimes we must accept that someone else will be our child’s confidant, even if we would like to know everything about his life. We must understand that his friends are more and more important or that he feels more comfortable with another adult to discuss certain subjects.

Always be true  “I think we must earn his trust. Our child must know that we give him importance and that we feel privileged when he trusts us. We must stay true to our words and encourage openness even when he behaved badly. Being open is the key!” (Caroline)

Stop judging and minimizing! Nobody likes to be ridiculed, to hear that his experiences are not important or to hear hurtful comments. If we want our child to trust us and be happy to share something with us, we must avoid easy judgments. We shouldn’t minimize his sadness, his emotions or his feelings either. Otherwise, we could end up shutting the oyster forever.

Respect”Be open! My daughters do stupid things sometimes; the important thing is to avoid humiliating them. It’s in those moments that they shut us off, I think. For now, I am very lucky, my daughters externalize a lot…” (Julie)

Always be interested! When we are interested in what our child does, likes and prefers (and the opposite of course), it makes it easier to find something to talk about.

Tall oaks from little acorns grow“Since my daughter was three, I’ve been asking her to tell me one think that she liked and one thing that she hated about her day and if she had something to tell me. That way, I hope to build a ritual that will last. She will learn to discuss and will know that I am there to listen to her and maybe help her, if she needs me.” (Stephanie)

A variation
A bowl of questions. With your child, write down questions on pieces of paper and place it in a bowl or in a pot. Each night, pick one question each and let every participant answer.

Talk! Communication implies an exchange. Your child must know that you trust him enough to share bits and pieces of your life. Talk to him about your day or share memories and insist on the emotions you felt. It will make him want to do the same.

Focus on him… not on you! Try to stay focused on what he is going through and what he is talking about. Don’t always bring the conversations back to you by talking about something similar that happened to you.

Disagreeing respectfully. We can disagree with what our child says. Expressing doesn’t always rhyme with agreeing. Teach them the rules of discussion and argumentation but always treat them with respect. When you want to give your opinion, remember to say, “I know that you disagree but here’s what I think…” It’s an excellent way to avoid confrontation and being even more shut off.

5 principles to live by

  • Ask your children what they would like or what they expect from you in this conversation, such as giving advice, lending an ear, helping to deal with their emotions or helping to solve a problem.
  • Monkey see, monkey do. Most of the time, they will follow your example on how to deal with anger, how to solve problems and how to go through difficult emotional times.
  • Talk to your children. Avoid to lecture, judge, criticize, threaten or hurt them.
  • Children learn from their own choices. As long as they don’t put themselves in harm’s way, you don't have to interfere.
  • Be aware that your children can test you by only telling pieces of what is on their mind. Listen carefully, encourage them to talk and maybe they will share the rest of the story.

Source :

You have other tips to share? Write us!

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