Family life

Controlling or Tiger Parenting

Dramatic consequences for children

The influence of a controlling parent is not without consequences for the child. This parenting style has a direct impact on the child’s development and can leave lasting effects on their psychological and social development. Here are the most common ones.

Impacts on children
  • Child can be more reserved, not spontaneous and anxious
  • They may have a poor reaction to frustration
  • They are more likely to engage in so-called anti-social activities such as substance abuse, alcoholism, delinquency, and vandalism.

The specialist states that the child of a controlling parent can still become a calm and fulfilling adult, "but that all depends on the level of control exercised and various environmental, personal, and family factors."

Controlling parent, lying child

In the presence of a controlling parent, the child who feels a conflict between their desires, their needs, and what is asked of them could begin to lie.

"However, Dr. Laberge says, it's not automatic. A parent can be authoritarian and have strict rules of education, but also be warm and be a confidant for their child. In this case, the child feels free to express themselves and therefore, is less likely to lie. "

Once again, we understand that nothing is systematic, and that everything depends on the level of control exercised and the personality of the child.

Although having a controlling parent is not necessarily and dramatically damaging to the child, it is important to remain vigilant. If the level of control exerted begins to affect the parent, the child or their dynamics, it is better to consult a specialist (psychologist or psychoeducator). It is about the well-being and the fulfillment of everyone.

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