
Getting your tubes tied: Are you ready?

Some sterilized women may come to regret the decision, or feel a sense of loss associated with infertility. Since a tubal ligation is meant to be permanent, and it is difficult and costly to have the procedure reversed, it is important to know the benefits, risks and alternatives of this procedure.

Consider the following advice from
Know Your Options

Tubal ligation may be the best contraception choice for you, but it’s important to know that there are other options out there. Many people tend to think of contraception as just condoms and the pill, but these days there are many highly effective options available.

There are new hormonal methods such as the Patch or the Contraceptive Ring that are as effective as the pill and you don’t have to think about them every day. Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) are also good choices, particularly for women in long-term relationships. IUDs provide contraception for up to five years at a time and may offer side-benefits such as lighter periods.


Tubal ligation surgery is permanent and highly effective. You’ll never have to think about it, and you won’t have to worry about contraception “accidents” such as missed pills. It won’t affect your sex life, menstrual cycle, menopause or hormone levels.


Though you’ll never have to worry about contraception, condoms are still required to protect against sexually transmitted infections. Tubal ligation is permanent. and although it is highly effective, there is still a 0.5 percent chance of becoming pregnant afterwards. If you do become pregnant after the surgery, there is a higher risk of having an ectopic pregnancy.

About the Surgery

Tubal ligation surgery disconnects the fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. The tubes may be cut, clamped, tied or plugged. The surgery takes about 30 minutes and patients are usually sent home the same day. It is a relatively safe procedure with few side-effects. Healing usually takes between two and five days.

Vasectomy vs. Tubal Ligation

Although tubal ligation is a relatively safe procedure, male vasectomy is in fact associated with fewer risks and side-effects. They are both safe, highly effective and permanent surgical methods worth considering. Recovery time is yypically shorter for a vasectomy, as it is a less invasive procedure.

If you’re thinking about having a tubal ligation surgery, the most important advice is to sit down with your partner and your health care professional, weigh your options carefully, and decide if this is the right decision for you.

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